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The Challenge:
Get the Right Person
At the Right Place
At the Right Job
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Agencies
- Keep cash flow king - Cash flow is the lifeblood of a home health agency.
Like clogged arteries, sluggish cash flow threatens the viability of a business.
Successful agencies keep aging receivables under a microscope. They focus their
investment dollars and activities on solutions that improve cash flow.
- Retain quality employees - excessive employee turnover affects
cost and impacts customer care. Effective agencies quickly weed-out
poor performers and spend their energies retaining and motivating
good employees.
- Passion for quality care - successful agencies make improving the
lives of their patients a top priority. It makes good business sense too.
Happy patients provide powerful word-of-mouth advertising--the engine driving
referrals and growth for an agency.
- Manage growth - unmanaged growth can easily tax a high-quality
agency and cause them to quickly become a mediocre one. If the quality
of care diminishes, this impacts customer satisfaction, and ultimately
- Paranoid about fraud - agency audits are time-consuming and expensive.
Throw in the loss of goodwill and you’ll see why top performing agencies are very
concerned with fraud - even though they have good people.
- Minimize paperwork errors - great agencies are sticklers for detail
and strive to eliminate errors at the start, with correct documentation.
Bad documentation leads to rework, re filing, delayed collections, and even loss of
- Maximize productivity - profitable agencies actively seek ways to
get the most return from their largest expense—people. Benchmarking,
setting performance standards, squeezing out unnecessary admin costs,
are just some of the means agencies do more while holding down costs.
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